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Artelier Lifestyle Consultants, is a cutting-edge Etiquette and Image consultancy, wholly committed to helping you become the best you.

At Artelier, we believe that true elegance must be complemented by savoir-faire to be complete. As the saying goes, “Manners maketh a man.” Etiquette gives you confidence in any milieu as well as a definite social or business advantage, helping to smooth over your personal interactions. At Artelier, we teach an etiquette curriculum that completely respects the local culture without compromising grace and elegance, because we understand that culture influences etiquette to a degree.

Not only that, we believe that life is more colourful and exciting when you are being yourself and living your brand in style, and that style is not limited to your wardrobe, but is an expression of who you are – a summary of the preferences and quirks that make up your unique personality and which should permeate all your expressions!

Our philosophy is to focus on our clients’ unique needs to create the basis for a successful image.

Be it in Personal Brand coaching, Business and Dining Etiquette or a host of other skills, we believe in preserving the uniqueness of every client. To this end, no two consultations are the same.

So.. when you think of an optimised personal or corporate image, think Artelier!