It is the season of giving, when everyone looks forward to getting gifts from or for loved ones, colleagues and friends. Gifting doesn’t come easy to everyone but as they say, it is the thought that really counts.

Here are 3 tips for selecting a nice, thoughtful gift this season:

1. KNOW YOUR RECIPIENT: when thinking of buying a gift for someone, you might not know everything about them but knowing the basics helps to make your decision easier. Factors you might consider are their job, a hobby, favourite sport or status. It is not about the cost, but the thought that goes into getting them something you believe will please them.

2. PERSONALIZE YOUR GIFT: gifting someone is a way of appreciating them and what better way to do that than to include something that conveys your thoughts, like a carefully selected card or a hand written note.

3. CHECK IF THEY HAVE A WISHLIST: your intended recipient may have a list of things that they would like, and you could also ask them if there’s anything they would like you to get them. Do remember that the main goal in gifting is to get something that the recipient will actually appreciate and enjoy.