The Easter season brings us an opportunity to reflect on the sacrifices and triumphs of the past, and look forward to a better future. This can also be a good time to reflect on what lights you up professionally and personally, and how you can align those passions with your purpose, business, or career.

Here are some of the ways you can connect your passion with the spirit of the season, if you’re a business owner or senior executive:

If sustainability is a passion for example, you can look for ways to incorporate environmentally friendly practices into your company’s operations. If it is community service, you can organize a company-wide volunteer event during the season, to also boost team building.

If your passion is cooking or baking, you can prepare Easter-themed treats for your team members or employees, or organize a potluck after-hours event, where everyone brings their favorite Easter dish.
Music lovers can organize an Easter-themed concert, or karaoke/singalong event, while fitness enthusiasts can plan an Easter-themed workout, or run event, to encourage family and friends to stay active and healthy during the season.

By embracing our passions and incorporating them into our work and personal lives, we can enhance our satisfaction and increase our impact.