As the nation starts to open up again, people have gradually begun to go back to working in their offices. In just a few months, best practices and etiquette have changed. Here are some things to do that will ensure your office is prepared for when employees return post-pandemic.
1. Make the Workplace Safe
Upon returning to work after COVID-19, health and safety should be your biggest focus. The first step is ensuring the physical workplace is safe for employees to work in. In addition to providing sanitizers and face-masks, changing the arrangement of the office workspace and increasing the standards of daily cleaning for your office, everyone should be held accountable for frequent washing of their hands, sneezing into a tissue/elbow etc.
Also stock the office with disinfectant wipes and/or sprays, soap, paper towels, and ensure there is an adequate water supply.
2. Update Policies and Procedures
The coronavirus pandemic has forever changed the way every industry does business. As a result, you’ll need to take a look at your current policies and procedures and update them to fit current best practices. An example of such policies may include the sick leave policy and policies around holding meetings.
3. Restore Productivity
After a few months of working remotely, employees have likely fallen into a home office routine and dealing with reluctance to give up remote working will be one of the biggest challenges. A major goal of restoring productivity after COVID-19 is to get employees back to optimum levels with as little interruption as possible. To accomplish this, you will have to seriously consider what works best for your organisation in light of the new normalcy, while ensuring a balance of safety and efficiency.